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#2 Talk Jean-Pierre Goux & Fabien Léaustic: Creating new narratives

The Foundation gives a voice to visual artists, writers, philosophers and filmmakers in an online conversation format and in pairs.
These exchanges aim at questioning the current world, raising awareness, creating new narratives in the light of the health and ecological crisis.
– Which commitment and responsibility do the artist and the philosopher have regarding this crisis?
– How are artistic and writing practices impacted?
– What new way to produce and display art while public engagement becomes increasingly immaterial?
– Which vision and creativeness to be impulsed for reinventing tomorrow’s world?

Thursday 7 January 2021
Guests: Jean-Pierre Goux, engineer and writer, chairman of Institut des Futurs souhaitables & Fabien Léaustic, artist-researcher. This talk is moderated by Nathalie Guiot.

Themes: Eco-design in artistic practice / The living as a creative material / The Overview effect / The consequences of Greenwashing / The life cycle of the material / What does a bio-sourced element mean? / Aesthetic shock or how beauty can be put at the service of an ecology of the sensitive? / Stake of entrepreneurship in ecology with a long-term vision / Breakthrough innovation (taking the future as a point of support to free the present)

Bibliographic references cited: 

Baptiste Morizot, Manière d’être vivant, Actes Sud, 2020
Christian Bobin, Le Plâtrier siffleur, Éditions Poesis, 2018
Émilie Hache, Ce à quoi nous tenons : propositions pour une écologique pragmatique, Éditions La Découverte, 2011


Jean-Pierre GOUX

Born in Nice in 1973, lives and works in Paris. Jean-Pierre Goux is a mathematician, engineer and writer, specialising in environmental and energy issues. For more than 20 years, he has been developing new narratives in the light of contemporary issues, through videos reproducing the Overview effect, the feeling of unity and love felt for our planet by astronauts. Author of the ecological thriller Siècle Bleu (La Mer Salée Editions, 2018), his immersive projects aim at generating a collective worldwide awareness and question the status of the artwork. The Blueturn and OneHome online platforms live broadcast images of Earth seen from space, accessible for all, capable to arouse amazement again for more respectful future.



Born in Besançon in 1985, lives and works in Paris and Lons-le-Saunier (Jura). Fabien Léaustic has graduated from ENSAD and EISTI (Graduate School in Computer Science and Mathematics Engineering), he is an artist-researcher, doctoral student in the SACRe programme (Sciences, Arts, Creation). His practice questions the life cycles of materials, and superimposes the artisanal gesture on mathematics and high technology. It is a question of thinking about the eco-design of the work, from production to distribution in order to generate a fruitful and global thought. His installation Is the Earth really round?, (CENTQUATRE, Paris, as part of the Biennale Némo, 2019), made of drilling mud, questions our relationship to living things in the face of the telluric forces at work. Nominated for the Révélations Emerige prize, (2017), his work has been featured at the Palais de Tokyo, Casa de Velazquez Madrid, FRAC Franche-Comté, Fondation Vasarely Aix-en-Provence, Espace Pierre-Cardin Paris.