A coffee with artworks : And you, what colours do your dreams have?

Once a month, we invite you for a presentation of a selection of works from the collection, an exclusive and convivial moment to discuss together the themes and movements of contemporary art over the last fifty years. A sensitive experience designed to reveal invisible relationships and to give free rein to the interpretation in a small group of enthusiasts.

  • Anas Albraehe (Syria, 1991), through his artistic practice, combines his training in painting and art therapy.
    Nourished by his theatrical and poetic experiences, the work of this young artist working in Lebanon is characterised by a double pictorial and social sense. Fascinated by the Fauvist movement, he brings together colour and psychology, notably through his series of “Attrape Rêve” and “Rêveurs”. Favouring a daring use of strong colour, freed from its objective context, his art, which is inspired in particular by Sufi philosophy, gives major importance to poetry, another omnipresent element in his creations, reflecting on essential themes such as the situation of exile today. Drawing his inspiration from great Arab poets such as Mikhail Niamey (1889-1988), Khalil Gibran (1883-1931), or Mahmoud Darwish (1942-2008), Anas Albraehe also protests against the fate of the most deprived by trying, through his painting, to translate the violence that they may suffer and the misery in which they find themselves
  • Joachim Mogarra (Spain, 1954) dreams with his eyes open and reinvents the world. He turned to the camera mainly for reasons of economy of means, following a trip to Algeria during which he lost all the rolls of film from his travel photos and then tried to recompose the images he had taken from memory from assemblages of everyday objects. He uses the medium without effects, for its simple capacity to make an image. What marvels in his photographs are the surreal titles he gives to these objects. His works, mostly in black and white, are grouped into series, and consist mainly of scenes made of small, seemingly banal objects, which evoke an “elsewhere” that is far more grandiose: travel, epics, great monuments, etc. Sugar cubes become the Tower of Babel, a potato becomes a ship,…
  • A transversal reading will address the question of the immobile traveler, whether he dreams with his eyes open or closed. This will lead us to evoke Kafka, read through the prism of psychology with, for instance, his reference to the lair. Deleuze will be approached in a pedagogical way to open a reflection on his concept of “immobile nomad”.



  • To (re)discover artists from the Fondation Thalie’s collection. So much beauty, so many potential journeys are waiting to be discovered.
  • To take part in a mediation based on exchange and dialogue.
  • To gain an insight into concepts of major authors such as Kafka and Deleuze


The event is led by  Valère Gilles, in charge of the publics at Fondation Thalie.

Reduced price for students, teachers, -26, job seekers, SMART members