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× Writing workshop : To turn nature into an immense landscape

Saturday 24 June, from 4 pm to 6 pm.

Location : Fondation Thalie, 15 rue Buchholtz 1050 Ixelles


Pauline Allié's writing workshop will last about two hours and will take place in three stages. First, Valère Gilles, in charge of mediation at the Fondation Thalie, will offer a guided tour of Eva Jospin's exhibition. Then, Pauline Allié, writer, will propose a writing workshop based on the exhibition. Eva Jospin, through her work, invites visitors to project the stories they want into her works. Let's take this invitation literally and set up these stories. Finally, a time of discussion will follow the writing.


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Subtotal 25,00
Total 25,00 (includes 4,34 VAT)