Roman Strolls: Boris BERGMANN, Florence CATS & Joseph CHARROY

Duration: 1h
Language: French

The Foundation invites the author Boris Bergmann, former resident at the Villa Medici in 2018, in dialogue with Florence Cats and Joseph Charroy, visual artist and photographer, 2018 residents at the Academia Belgica in Rome. They will present the results of this one-year residency: Les Corps Insurgés (Calmann-Lévy, 2020), and Lavori Corso (éditions Primitive, 2020). This encounter will be the opportunity to exchange on their common experience of Roman life and to share with us the reading of texts from these recent publications.

« I met Joseph Charroy and Florence Cats in Rome.
I was then in residence at the Academy of France while they were at the Academy of Belgium. We exchanged, discussed, danced, toasted, experienced Roman life, its beauty and its flaws, its skies and its nights.
Two years after, we are each of us publishing a book: For Joseph and Florence a long visual drift in Rome (Lavori in Corso, primitve books, October 2020), as for me a novel (Les Corps insurgés, Calmann-Lévy, August 2020).
I invited to Florence and Joseph to discuss on this Roman experience. What germinated in us. What grew under our eyelids. »
Boris Bergmann 


Literary references quoted during this conversation:

Notes sur les copies – Alberto Giacometi
Tempo di Roma – Alexis Cuervers
Théorie de la restauration – Cesare Brandi (Allia)
Graffitis, inscrire son nom à Rome, XVIe-XIXe siècle – Charlotte Guichard (Seuil)
Nouvelles îles, guide vagabond de Rome – Marco Lodoli (La fosse aux ours)
Autour des sept collines – Julien Gracq (José Corti)
L’Ultima intervista di Pasolini – Colombo & Ferreti (Allia)


Boris BERGMANN, writer, lives and works in Paris.
At the age of 15, he published his first book, Viens là que je te tue ma belle (Éditions Scali, 2007), rewarded by the “Prix de Flore du lycéen“, adapted for Arte by Director Jean Stéphane Sauvaire. Boris Bergmann continues to write: a novel about lies (1000 Mensonges, Éditions Denoël, 2010), another about commitment (Déserteur, Éditions Calmann-Lévy, 2016), a fourth dealing with desire (Nage Libre, Éditions Calmann-Lévy, 2018), and more recently, Les Corps insurgés, resulting from one-year residency at Villa Medici in 2018. In 2019, the Foundation published a poetic map by Boris Bergmann in collaboration with the Belgian architect Bas Smets, redrawing his poetic and artistic strolls in Brussels following the path of artist Sophie Podolski.

Florence CATS & Joseph CHARROY, visual artist and photographer, both live and work in Brussels.
2018 residents at the Academia Belgica in Rome, Florence Cats and Joseph Charroy publish this year Lavori in corso (éditions Primitive, 2020) – Works in progress: a hybrid book that brings together urban relics from their stay in the Italian capital where the city became their studio. Snapshots, accidents, details and fragments, the photographs echo their sketches, made on street papers or directly picked up from the ground.