Didone Abbandonata

With Nina Przewozniak (baroque violin) & Francesco Olivero (theorbo)

Nicola Matteis – Genio Turchesco
John Playford – John Kiss me now;
Niccolo Corradini – Sonata ‘La Sfrondata’
Johannes Hieronimous Kapsberger – Toccata I
Ignazio Albertini – Sonata 3a
Nicola Matteis – Aria con divisione, Scaramuccia
Johannes Hieronimous Kapsberger – Passacaglia, Canario e Ciaccona
Nicola Matteis – Diverse Bizzarrie sopra la vecchia sarabanda eppur Ciaccona
Antonio Vivaldi – Sonata ‘Manchester’ RV 12

Ensemble Didone Abbandonata was founded in 2015 after the meeting of two young musicians established in early music, joined together by the desire to explore the musical repertoire of the 17th and 18th century.

With Nina Przewozniak on baroque violin and Francesco Oliveroon theorbo and baroque guitar the project was born, starting with their first concerts. Each of them has distinguished themself with their instrument by participating in musical projects with national and international orchestras in Italian and European festivals (Academia Montis Regalis, Orchestre Francais de Jeunes, Ensemble Modo AntiquoAccademia La Chimera, Ensemble del Ricercare) cooperating with famous musicians such as Marco Beasley, Furio Zanasi, Rinaldo Alessandrini, Alessandro De Marchi, Federico Maria Sardelliand Enrico Onofri. The duo performed at the ‘Giovani per l’arte’festival in Cuneo, the ‘Marchesato Opera Festival’ in Saluzzo, the ‘Opera Barga Festival’, the ‘Prometheus festival’in Catania, the ERBAROCK festival in Erba (Como), the ‘PERLE Early music festival’ of  San Vito al Tagliamento and the ‘San Giacomo Festival’from Bologna.

Duration 1h, concert followed by a drink

In partnership with the non-profit association MGConcerts