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× Workshop for kids : Create your own forest


Wednesday 7 June from 4 to 6 pm.

Location : Fondation Thalie, 15 rue Buchholtz 1050 Ixelles

The foundation is organising a workshop for kids based on the exhibition Panorama by Eva Jospin. It will be divided into 3 parts. First, Valère Gilles, in charge of mediation at the Thalie Foundation, will give a guided tour of the exhibition. He will tell you about all the stories we imagine in the forest. Then, in the Foundation's workshop, you will build your own forest out of cardboard in the manner of Eva Jospin (creation of shapes, cut-outs, collages). Finally, everyone will create a story about their forest.


Cart totals

Subtotal 25,00
Total 25,00 (includes 4,34 VAT)